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Lego SumoBots

A fun way to learn coding, engineering and problem solving

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About Lego Sumo Bots

This site provides educators, parents, students and other Lego robotics enthusiasts with the tools they need to build and program a BATTLE-READY Lego Sumo Bot.

The goal is simple:

Find joy in a unique and entertaining engineering challenge... that ends with an EPIC CLASH against a worthy opponent.


What is a Sumo Bot?

Why educators, students and budding engineers should take on this challenge

The Simple SumoBot

A step-by-step guide how to build, program and control a SIMPLE Lego SumoBot.

Upgrade Photo.png

Sumo Bot Upgrades

Upgrade the Simple SumoBot in a variety of ways. Each advancement comes with building instructions and programming videos.

Building Tips

Guidelines for frame design and placement of major elements of the Sumo Bot. Tips for weight distribution, ramps, levers, sensor placement, wheel type, etc. picture - close ups of ramp, lever, sensor placement etc.

Blank Billboard
Blank Billboard

Autonomous Programming Strategies

How to creatively use your Sumo Bot sensors to outmaneuver, outflank and outwit your opponent. picture - EV3 code and Lego home code.

Build a Battle Zone

Step-by-step instructions. picture - battle board

Blank Billboard
Blank Billboard

Run a Tournament

Competition rules, guidelines and setup recommendations. Advice on how to build a Lego Sumo Bot league in your own area - picture - school competition.

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©2020 by Daniel Lipin. Proudly created with

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